Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Herman Willem Daendels

Napoleon Bonaparte appointed Daendels ( Herman Willem Daendels ) as the ruler of Java.

Herman Willem Daendels

Napoleon Bonaparte

Herman Willem Daendels have mission :
                     1. Bring the ideas of French revolution
                     2. Modernizing the colonial administration
                     3. Eliminate feudalism ( people lived based on ranks )

Daedels build road from West Java to East Java, the road called De Grote Postweg.

To built the road, Daendels :
     * Renting or selling the land in Java
     * Force people to build road
     * Recruit people to join army

Daendels send to Indonesia because to protect the war of Britain.

Daendels policy or regulation :::
 1). Military and defence :
      - Build the road from anyer - panarukan ( De Grote Postweg )
      - Build the armory ( factory for weapon ) in Gresik and Semarang because daendels can easy to send the armory
      - Build the harbour in Ujung Kulon and Surabaya. Daendels build harbour in Ujung Kulon and Sirabaya because near the river. Ujung Kulon, West Java ( to protect West Java ) and Surabaya, East Java ( to protect East Java )

2). Economic and finance :
      - Make the State Monetary Watch Council ( Dewan pengawas keuangan ) ( Algemene Rekenkaer ) to destroy the corruption
      - Tax system ( Contingenten ) - Raid system ( Verplichte Leverante )
      -  Force the Javanese to plant coffee ( export ) . Preangerstelsel are the name of the coffee.

Minggu, 20 April 2014

Britain Colonialism In Java

Britain Colonialism in Java

- Background things :
1. Governor General Jansen come to Java to replace Daendels
Governor General Jansen

2. After being defeated - make an agreement with Britain - called Kapitulasi Tuntang
3. Kapitulasi Tuntang : 18 October 1811 by the S.Auchmuty ( Britain ) and Jansen ( Dutch )
                         a). All the Java Islands is given to Britain
                         b). All the Dutch army will become the Britain's prisoners
                         c). Dutch officials who wants to coorperate with Britain, will still hold their position
                         d). All the Dutch debt, is not the Britain's responsibility


11 October 1811, the young king ( Viceroy ) Lord Minto appointed Thomas Stamford Raffles as the vice governor of Java.

Thomas Stamford Raffles 
 1. Bureaucracy and government :
       a). divide Java into 16 district { Karesidenan }                                                                                      b). Feudalism assumed to destroy people's market
     c). Bupati and all the royal family                                                                                                         2.  Finance and Economy :                                                                                                                        a) Delete the farming tax                                                                                                                           b) Lawn renting system                                                                                                                            c) Salt and Liquor monopoly                                                                                                                      3. Social :                                                                                                                                                 a) Delete the Rodi program                                                                                                                      b) Delete the slave system                                                                                                                        c) Delete the brutal punishment { fight against tiger }                                                                            4. Science :                                                                                                                                                 a)  Write a book - The History of Java                                                                                                       b) The founding of the rafflesia flower                                                                                                     c) Build the Kebun Raya Bogor                                                                                                                                                                        The end of raffles regime by the convention of London in 1814      1. Indonesia is returned to the Dutch .                                                                                                    2. some place ( Sailan , Kaap , Koloni , Guyana ) remain in the Britain's territory .

the rise of the states

State is a kingdom or a country or its government.

In the past, State have 4 factors: ~ people
                                                       ~ Area
                                                       ~ Leader / king
                                                       ~ Law

The emergence

There were two major force during the histories for the most states of the Indonesia archipelago.


This was the time when three of great world's beliefs was introduced to the archipelago, they are Hinduism ( India ), Buddhism ( China ), Islam ( Arab ). These influence were not evently acess the archipelago, but they had a major effect in shaping the history and also Indonesia today.


The networks which developed this time helped the states of the archipelago together, and connected them to the world,especially China and India subcontinent. Not only channels to exchange goods, the routes also played an important role to exchange people and ideas.
- 2 main island in Indonesia : Java and Sumatra
- People go to Java and Sumatra to look for spices
- They need spices for trading
- Religion train in Indonesia :

                                                Trader ----- Goods
                                                Information ----- Religion  
            Trader bring good, information and idea of religion to Indonesia. 
            The religion is Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam. They bring information
            about trading and the goods of Indonesia.

Sabtu, 19 April 2014


Java & Sumatra


Java map

- Many people go to Java because the traders want to get the natural resources ( spices, rice, etc.....)
- First state in Java is Ho-Ling from China
- Ho-Ling is important because :
             1. It was an important commercial intermediately between Java and Sumatra
             2. It introduced the people of Indonesia How to do daring of Farming
             3. It introduced the people of Buddhism religion
- Ho-Ling is so famous because :
             1. It had a good Buddhism religion
             2. It had good soil for agriculture
             3. It had direct trading links in China
- Indonesia people didn't know about Ho-Ling because in 18th century, Ho-Ling merged with another island in Yogyakarta is Mataram.
- Mataram have military power, but Ho-Ling didn't have
- Mataram built Borobudur templates.
- Borobudur templates have good technology, good human resources, good natural resources and they had good religion growth( Buddhism ).

Borobudur templates

- Mataram is rich because of trading with China and resources.


Many people go to Sumatra because it was located near by Strait of Malacca, which was the main trading route for traders ( China and India )

Sumatra map

Strait of Malacca

 In Sumatra , there was a state named Srivijaya.

 Srivijaya gave tributes to the Chinese emperor in order to gain access to local Chinese market.

The  Decline of Srivijaya' :
    1. War of Mataram
    2. The capital which was attacked to Chola in India
    3. The trading links in Srivijaya with the Southern China was broken, China want to take more  active roles.

Kamis, 17 April 2014

history of ındonesia

James Richardson Logan

 "James Richardson Logan" is the one who create indonesia name .

He is from U.K and a British Geographer. He coined the name in the middle of 19th century.

~The British called it as " Further India " because many European writers saw an archipelago as a extension of Indian subcontinent.
~The Dutch called it " Nederlands Indie " mean Dutch India or Indies.

                    +      = INDIAN ISLANDS


Why India ?

The people travel based on the wind. There are Summer Monsoon and Winter Monsoon.

Summer Monsoon

Winter Monsoon

The peoples are Austronesian and Melanesian


Pre History VS History


~The period where people did not have writing system.


~ The period where the people have writing system.

3 Indonesia dweller, such as :

- Meganthropus Paleo Javanicus ( Giant from Ancient Java )

- Pithecanthropus Erectus ( Human + Ape )

- Homo Wajakensis ( An ancient human from Wajak )

Minggu, 13 April 2014

VOC ( Vereenidge Oost Indische )


VOC created by the government of Dutch to combine the effort of all Dutch traders and eliminate the competition between them , in order to get more profit. 

VOC stands for Vereenidge Oost Indische Compagnie which means The United East - India Company. 

The Idea of VOC :
● Prince Maurits 
●Johan Van Olden Barnevelt

Octroi Rights 

Special rights given to Voc by the Dutch government to do their job .
★Voc are allowed to have military support from the government to secure goods & expand land .
★Voc are allowed to make agreements with local leaders on behalf of Dutch government.
★Voc are allowed to publish on issue Dutch's currency everywhere they went (Gulden) currency.
★Voc have authority declare War against other country . 

Purposes of Voc establishment :
♥ To remove competition among Dutch traders so the maximum income could be reached .
♥To strengthen dutch's position against other countries .
♥To support the government financially of funding the war against Spain .

Why did the government give Voc special rights ?
- Because he government expected that Voc could give them enough financial support .

The decline of Voc : 
¤There was corruption by the employees.
¤They spent lots of money on their expansion and paid the workers . 
¤They also spent money on the war against the local rebellion .
¤The tight competitions with other trading companies from Portugal and Britain.
¤The rise of Liberalism area .So that monopoly system of Dutch was no longer accepted .