Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Herman Willem Daendels

Napoleon Bonaparte appointed Daendels ( Herman Willem Daendels ) as the ruler of Java.

Herman Willem Daendels

Napoleon Bonaparte

Herman Willem Daendels have mission :
                     1. Bring the ideas of French revolution
                     2. Modernizing the colonial administration
                     3. Eliminate feudalism ( people lived based on ranks )

Daedels build road from West Java to East Java, the road called De Grote Postweg.

To built the road, Daendels :
     * Renting or selling the land in Java
     * Force people to build road
     * Recruit people to join army

Daendels send to Indonesia because to protect the war of Britain.

Daendels policy or regulation :::
 1). Military and defence :
      - Build the road from anyer - panarukan ( De Grote Postweg )
      - Build the armory ( factory for weapon ) in Gresik and Semarang because daendels can easy to send the armory
      - Build the harbour in Ujung Kulon and Surabaya. Daendels build harbour in Ujung Kulon and Sirabaya because near the river. Ujung Kulon, West Java ( to protect West Java ) and Surabaya, East Java ( to protect East Java )

2). Economic and finance :
      - Make the State Monetary Watch Council ( Dewan pengawas keuangan ) ( Algemene Rekenkaer ) to destroy the corruption
      - Tax system ( Contingenten ) - Raid system ( Verplichte Leverante )
      -  Force the Javanese to plant coffee ( export ) . Preangerstelsel are the name of the coffee.

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