Neterlandsch Indie ( 1816 - 1942 )
The ruler : 1. Flout
2. Buyskess
3. Van Der Capellen ( 1816 - 1824 )
At this era, there is new treaty between Dutch and Britain, is called treaty of London.
- Dutch and Britain have the rights to enter each other
- Dutch withdraw fro the Singapore
- Britain will give Bengkulu, Bangka, Belitung
- Respect the Independence of Aceh, as the border territory between Dutch and Britain
The Neterlandsch Indie's policies (enforcement planting )
An argument, 1816-1830,between Liberalist and Capitalist :
1. Liberal suggest to get money by tax system
2. Capitalist suggest to get money by resources exploitation
3. Accept Van Den Bosch idea of Cultuur Stelsel to get a high profit
1). Cultuur Stelsel - 1830 - 1870 - Van Den Bosch idea
a). Background
- Napoleon wars expensed a lot of money
- Belgian separated from the dutch ( it mean will have less income )
- Diponegoro war, 1825-1830, expensed 20.000.000 gulden/currency
- Dutch's saving was depleted
- Dutch had a lot of debt
- Less income of coffee
b). Regulation for Culutur Stelsel
- Agreement with the local people to plant export commodity
- Land provided by local people will be tax free
- The crops must be given to the Dutch, and the tax is paid by farmer themselves
- The failed crops is the government responsibility
- Local people who doesn't have a land will be working in the factories
c). The real / violation / practice of Cultuur Stelsel
- The farmer was forced to plant
- All the land owned by the farmer was used to plant
- Farmer have to pay the tax
- Failed crops will become farmer's responsibility
- Workers in the factory has become slaves
d). The benefit of Cultuut Stelsel for the Dutch
- Increase the export commodity to be sold to Europe
- The Dutch sailing company got the high profit
- The sugar company, also being developed by the Dutch due to the high profit
e). The benefit for the Indonesia
- Local farmer learned the new variety of plant
- Local farmer learned about the plant export commodity
f). The disadvantages for Indonesia
- Increase of poverty and mental depressions
- Burdered by heavy tax
- Failed crops
- Hunger and death everywhere
- Decreased Indonnesia population
The Nederlandsch Indie change the policy into Liberal colonialism policy in 1870
Reason / Background :
1. Because of heavy burden for Indonesia farmer
2. Liberalism policy is getting popular { effect of France Revolution and Industry Revolution }
3. Liberal party won the Dutch government seat, they want the Dutch businessman to invest in Indonesia
The Liberal policy is called Opendeur politiek [ open down politics ] or the policy to allow other investor in colony.
1. Dutch still become the main investor for the colonies
2. Allow other investor in Indonesia, ex : England, Japan, Belgium, America
3. Investor focus on farming, mining, plantation [ tea, coffee, tabacco, rubber, sugarcane, timber, oil ]
Benefit for the Dutch:
~ Gives the high profit for the Dutch
~ Dutch has become the central of trading for the colonial market
~ All products from mining, and farming in Indonesia is gathered, delivered and sold in Netherland
The disadvantages for Indonesia
- Decreasing the wealth
- The decreasing of the local commodity due to rivalry with outside products
- The crop crisls due to fallen price of tea, coffee, rice
- Still has Rodi system
Polithic Ethic
Background / reason :
1. Cultuur Stelsel gives high profit for the Dutch, but kills Indonesia
2. Exploitation to land and a human doesn't change Indonesia wealth
3. Internal critics from the dutch intellects - Van Kol , Van Deventer
Relationship between the Politiek Ethics and Association Politics - the purpose is to increase the wealth of Indonesia people [ 1900 - 1925 ]
1. Government decentralization - all the regulation based on the parliament policy
2. Irrigation - in Brantas Demak
3. Transmigration - population movement from central Java to East Java for the sugarcane plantation
4. Education - provide 1st class school for noble and 2nd class school for commoners
Failed in Polithic Ethics
1. There is no change in human wealth for Indonesia people
2. Less commeners got the advantages of colonial system, only the state employees
3. Commoners work as the tools, all the policy under the Dutch government