Stone age is a broad prehistoric time period during which humans widely used stone for toolmaking. Stone age divided into 3 :
- Paleolithicum = the oldest stone age
- Mezolithicum = not very modern stone age , middle age
- Neolithicum = the modernest stone age
Paleolithic era
- Chopper ( to kill animal)
- Flakes ( to peel fruits )
Way of living:
- Hunting and gathering
- Nomadic living ( move from one place to another place )
The humans:
- Pithecanthropus Erectus ( not look like animal and human )
- Homo Soloensis and Wajakensis
Mesolithic era
- Flakes ( to peel fruits )
- Pebbles
- Pottery Skill
- Cave Painting
Way of living:
- Hunting and gathering
- Semi-nomedic
- Basics painting skills
- Papua melanesoid
Neolithic era
- Pebble
- Pottery skills
- Stone Chisels
- Simple bead jewelries
Way of living:
- live in houses
- Neolithic revolution ( the changes of neolithic society from hunting and gathering to farming )
- Farming
- Austronesia language
- Proto-Malay
- Melanesoid
Megalithic era was an era during Neolithic time in which people started to make building with big stone.
By tamara and aurel
BalasHapusGood job , cool